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Whole Genome Analysis

What’s included?

1. Sample collection kit

2. Next-generation sequencing of 100% of your genome at 30x coverage

3. Clinical reports including, as standard:*

4. Free storage of your genome data (~150-200Gb)

5. Full access to all your DNA data including BAM and VCF files

6. Signposting to a clinical specialist to arrange a consultation at an additional cost

*additional analysis is available

How it works

The whole process can be broken down in to a few simple steps:

Consent checkbox graphic

1. Place your order

Choose between standard and fast track. Once you have placed your order we will send you a consent form to sequence and store your genome data. Consent can be withdrawn at any time.

2. Simple sample collection

For consistently reliable Whole Genome Sequencing we require 4ml of veinous blood. Our excellent phlebotomy service can be scheduled either at home or in-clinic.

Store Data graphic

3. Sequenced. Stored. Managed.

Your sample is sent to an ISO-accredited laboratory in the UK and your data is transferred to us within 30 days to be stored on our high security platform.

4. Consultation and clinical context

Once we have carried out your requested analysis, we’ll share the final reports with your specified clinician and send you a notification to schedule a consultation.