Executive Health

StoreGene’s comprehensive whole genome package represents a significant advancement in personalised medicine by bridging the gap between genetics and healthcare. This package provides a powerful tool to deliver truly individualised treatment for patients, ensuring they have the knowledge and support needed to take charge of their health.

The Executive Health Package consists of eight detailed reports, covering various aspects of genetic health:

Comprehensive Risk Assessment: Analyses 1.7 million variants to calculate your genetic risk score, and combines this with conventional risk factors such as BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels determine the 10-year likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.

Lipoprotein(a) Polygenic Risk Score: LP(a) is similar to LDL cholesterol but more ‘sticky‘, and high levels in the blood are a risk factor for heart disease. This test determines an individual’s genetic risk for levels of Lipoprotein(a) in the blood. 

Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Assessment: This  test assesses 9 genes known to have a monogenic cause for this common genetic disorder, which increases levels of LDL cholesterol and can be managed with medication. 

Familial Hypercholesterolemia Polygenic Risk Score: This test predicts the levels of Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol in an individual’s blood. For those with already high cholesterol levels, this can be an indicator of Familial Hypercholesterolemia.

Pharmacogenomic (PGx) Heart Medication Response: Determines metabolising status for several heart medications, including statins, warfarin, and clopidogrel.

The Genome Screening Assessment analyses 81 genes associated with actionable conditions, which have definable clinical features, the possibility of early diagnosis, reliable genetic tests, and effective treatments. Reporting these genes aims to prevent or better manage latent health conditions, enhancing personalised treatment for patients.

With 99.7% of the population carrying variants that could lead to adverse drug reactions, this assessment provides essential guidelines for personalised prescribing for use by your physician. A European-wide study has demonstrated that using pharmacogenomic data at the point of care can reduce adverse drug reactions by 30%. This assessment ensures safer and more effective treatment by advising clinicians on appropriate dosing and alternative medications.

StoreGene’s commitment to storing whole genome data allows for reanalysis without the need for additional samples, providing up-to-date precision medicine insights for clinicians at the point of care. This dynamic approach ensures that patients receive the most current and personalised healthcare possible.

Requirements: ~4ml Blood Sample or Transfer of Whole Genome Data

Sequencing Time:  30 days

Coverage:  >30x